CEO's Message Aug

Tyson Properties is very proud to announce that we have been voted as one of the Top 10 Brands in KwaZulu Natal, and the Top Real Estate Brand in the province for the third consecutive year in the KZN Top Business Awards. 
These accolades show that we, as a brand, extend so much further than just a logo or a company name. A brand is communication of characteristics, values, and attributes that clarify who we are, and receiving these awards proves that consumers not only accept who we are, but wholly approve of us. 
To be recognised as one of the top KwaZulu Natal brands is a great honour and demonstrates that our hard work, our value system and our efforts have made a mark in the minds of the consumer; and this inspires us to even greater heights.
This honour would not have been possible without the dedicated work and passion of everyone at Tyson Properties, but not to mention, the votes and commitment to our brand from each and every one of our valued clients. 
We extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who voted for Tyson Properties in the KwaZulu Natal Top Business Awards.
Kind regards 
Chris Tyson


05 Aug 2015
Author Chris Tyson
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