Get Organised for an easy move

Isabelle de Grandpre, CEO of Neat Freak, shares some tips for moving house.

People often move with their junk (and I say this with the utmost respect). Often what happens is, a person doesn’t want to deal with said junk, so they just box it up and move with it. 

It stands to reason therefore, that the number one tip is, don’t move with the junk. You have to be ruthless. Throw out any old papers, cheque books, accounts, receipts, magazines, books and other items you haven’t clapped your eyes on for ages.

Remember when packing, each person in the family should have their own storage box which they can fill with items they cannot pack away and want as soon as they reach the new home.

Once the tossing has been done, you then know conclusively what needs to be packed. But, before you do this, get yourself organised with plenty of supplies such as: 

  • Lots of boxes - if possible, ask your local grocery store if they have any boxes before you buy boxes from the mover 
  • Packaging tape - buy this in bulk to save money 
  • Scissors 
  • Bubble wrap 
  • Newspaper - preferably unprinted paper as the ink often transfers to your possessions and you don’t want to have to wash everything when you get to the ‘other side’ 
  • Stickers - for fragile items 
  • Exam pad and pen

    When you start packing, I suggest you create a list/record keeping system. Write down everything you pack into a box, number it on the paper and box and write down where that box needs to be placed once you reach your new home. You can even go a bit further and include who is transporting the box/item. 

    Oftentimes there are items such as paintings etc that you may not want to put on the truck. You still need to ensure that these are on the inventory list or you’ll lose track of where it is and how it is getting to your new home.

    Before you reach the ‘other side’, each person needs to be assigned a job - one person must maintain the list and tick off the boxes as they arrive. By ticking the boxes off the list, you know that they have arrived safely. If a box hasn’t been ticked off the list, it means it has been ‘lost in transit’. This will also save you loads of time moving items to their correct places. 

    Another person should be in the house ensuring that the movers are putting the boxes where they should be.

    Remember when packing, each person in the family should have their own storage box which they can fill with items they cannot pack away and want as soon as they reach the new home. These could be a favourite teddy bear, a notebook, towels and sheets or that awesome straightening iron. Each person should be responsible for his or her box - it isn't mom's fault if it doesn't get to the ‘other side’, unless of course you’re still in nappies.

    Just before, during and after the big day

    • If you have children, don’t be a hero – if you can possibly help it, get someone to babysit for you on the day and for the first night. Moving house is stressful enough without adding to it. You need to be focused and ready to tackle unpacking head-on.
    • If you have friends helping you, ask one of them to be responsible for lunch and snacks. There is nothing worse than falling sick because you haven’t eaten – not only will you have no energy, but you’ll undoubtedly get cranky too.
    • Pack a cooler bag with ice blocks so that you can have milk on the ready for the next day and for frozen/cold foods you haven’t been able to get a friend to keep for you.
    • Start unpacking as quickly as possible after the last boxes are in. This is, again, where friends and family come in handy. If one of your friends is an ace in the kitchen, the chances are they will unpack superbly on your behalf.
    • And finally, on the day of the move and the next few days afterwards, keep your sense of humour in check. Moving is stressful but if everyone works together, it needn’t be and hopefully you’ll avoid having unpacked boxes in your house three years later because everyone threw in the towel.

    Happy organising! – Isabelle de Grandpre

05 Aug 2015
Author Isabelle de Grandpre - Neat Freak
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