Tyson Properties Queensburgh

Located in the business hub of Malvern, Tyson Properties Queensburgh is quickly becoming the first choice for real estate sales in the area. It is not hard to understand why as their team is fully committed to developing the area into becoming a prime choice for home -owners. 
Queensburgh has seen a significant boom in the property market with major developments in infrastructure and amenities in the area. This includes the completion of the upgrade to Malvern Centre and the Woolworths 24 Food Market at the Engen. 
The team of 14, headed up by branch manager Mike McKenkie pride themselves on their knowledge of the area and wealth of real estate experience. With every agent there boasting a minimum of 15 years of real estate experience each, it certainly is no wonder that they generate successful sales. Every agent within the team are qualified to sell real estate, each having passed their real estate exams. 
Their passion for the area and desire to see through its development is quite personal for them as all of the staff reside or have lived in Queensburgh. Who better to trust and buy from than residents themselves! 
The fact that Queensburgh can cater for buyers from first time to top market makes it a buyer’s paradise. 
The agents, proud of their community have pledged their assistance to developing the municipality into a shining beacon of transformation and success. Amongst many of their charitable donations to the area, which they decline to name as it is done in good faith and for the benefit of it’s less privileged, the agents are actively involved in supporting community projects. Residents would have seen their stand and the Queensburgh Crime Watch Forum and other community initiatives. 
Do not be surprised to see any of the Tyson Properties branded cars around the area being hailed down to assist local residents with everyday activities. Branch manager Mike has indicated that residents are welcome to flag down the Tyson cars and ask for assistance. 
This is truly an exemplary team of agents that have shown not just in words but rather in action, their commitment to the community to which they serve. 
Should you have any queries for the team they can be reached on 031 464 9061 or pop into the branch. They are located at Shop 2B Coronation Walk, 06 Purity Lane, Malvern. 

05 Aug 2015
Author Carver Media
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