8 Inventive Ways to Display your House Number

1. Finish with Florals: Blooms or other trailing vines spilling from a mounted container give your facade a "secret garden" effect.

2. Plat a Post: This upscale addition to your curb appeal looks sophisticated, but comes together quite easily with just a few hardware store finds.

3. Make a Match: Simple wooden letters turn into eye-catching design when painted to mimic a sunny front door. Bonus surprise: The inside of this blogger's mailbox is yellow, too.

4. Paint a Brick: A rustic porch accessory gets a modern, quirky look with black paint and a white handwritten flourish

5. Hang a Monogram: Immediately feel at home in a new house by adding a nod to your family name right next to the door

6. Prop a Pillow: Fill an empty spot on a rattan chair or porch swing with this cushy project.

7. Add a Planter: Towering tiers of florals add just enough organic style to a classic, numbered flower pot

8. Stay Seasonal: Detail lovers, start your engines: This plaque is designed to be magnetic so the accessories, like an adorable teeny spring wreath, can be changed each month.

article sourced from Good House Keeping


02 Oct 2015
Author Good housing Keeping website
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