CEO's Message Dec 2018

I would like to close off this year with all my best wishes for the festive season and the summer break. 

Tyson Properties has had a good year and, although we close the year with a small rise in the interest rate and the frustrations of load shedding, we also look to a New Year that could hold many positives. 

2018 was definitely a buyer's market but, that said, smart sellers who priced their properties for the market, also concluded good deals. The festive season is a good time to take time out to really look at your options for the future, to consider whether it's time to upsize to fit a growing family, right size to meet your needs or even downsize to make home maintenance easier and lock up and go part of your retirement adventures. 

From the Tyson Properties team, we wish you and your family all the best for the holidays and 2019. 

regards Chris

06 Dec 2018
Author Tyson Properties
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