CEO's Message Nov 2018

I’m sure that, like me, at this time of the year, you’ve suddenly found all those festive decorations in stores and suddenly realised that the year is drawing to a close at a rapid rate! That not only means keeping up with all your usual work and chores but also quickly reviewing and implementing those plans that you formulated way back in January. 
I know that it always seems that much busier this time of the year with kids writing exams and perhaps even planning the family festive break. 

But, if one of the things that you set out to do for 2018 was to downsize, sell your home or buy that perfect family house, I’d like to urge you to make that extra effort and start now rather than put things off until the new year. 

With that in mind, here are some quick tips for you, whether you’re buying or selling …

1. When you’re choosing an estate agent, make sure that he or she is accredited, reputable and working from a strong brand and well respected company so that you can have the very best marketing representative in the market place. A good agent takes the job seriously, communicates regularly and shows that he or she is determined to help you.

Finally, work with someone you trust and with whom you have a good rapport. 

2. Ask your estate agent three key questions when you view a property:
• How long has the property been on the market?
• Has any major work been done recently?
• Does the agency or seller know of any defects? 

3. Buying a home? Do your homework. Always research the best suburbs and roads in the area you like and find out about the prices in the area.  Make sure that the property you consider buying will suit your family for years to come as it’s expensive to move. That not only means the size and layout of the property but proximity to schools, medical facilities and other important amenities. 

4. Do your maths! Try not to be tempted by that dream property that is over your budget. Buy within or just under your budget so that, if interest rates go up, you’re able to afford your bond.

5. Buying a property?  Get a pre-approved bond – and shop around with the banks for the best deal.  Pre-approved bonds place a buyer at the top of an agent’s list. You are also in a stronger negotiation position when you find your dream home than someone who still has to obtain finance.

6. When you’re selling, remember that pricing is crucial, especially in our current buyers’ market.  Again, research other sales in your neighbourhood and adjoining neighbourhoods and ask your estate agent to advise you on the best strategy. 

7. Get your ‘departure strategy’ in order. The administration that accompanies a sale can be tedious, so ensure your rates and utility bills are paid and discuss any upfront payments required by your municipality with your estate agent. Also, make sure that you are up to date with any SARS returns and payments to avoid any paperwork delays. Keep in close contact with your bank. Remember that you need three months’ notice to cancel the bond on your existing property, so notify your bank when you list it. 

07 Nov 2018
Author Tyson Properties
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