Great expectations for a buoyant market and positive growth

Great expectations for a buoyant market and positive growth!

We believe that the toughest years of the recession are behind us and that the industry has emerged from a negative cycle.  Looking ahead to 2016 and 2017 we foresee that improved market conditions and increased buyer confidence will accelerate growth and propel the industry forward.

In the short term, we predict that the market will remain steady for the first two to three quarters, increasing to a fair pace as the year progresses, even if we do see a slight increase in the interest rates during the year.

We do expect to see property prices increase by around 10% as a result of a marked improvement in buying activity and fewer homes being available to buy. Due to the property shortage a house on the market for R2 million in 2014, may well increase to around R2.2 million in the 2016 market.

Tyson Properties saw their best year ever in 2014 and we expect 2015 to be even better. We recorded a 10% increase in the number of concluded sales in the last quarter of 2014 when compared with the same period in 2013.

The luxury market also performed well with the company concluding 17 significant transactions of homes above the R5 million bracket in the third and fourth quarters.

All indicators point to this being a good time to buy property on the back of a recovering market!

Our qualified team is motivated and ready to deliver on our promises and provide the quality service that our clients and the industry have come to expect from us.

We wish you all an amazing 2015!

Chris Tyson

05 Aug 2015
Author Tyson Properties
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