How to put your home on a New Years Diet

Maybe you're working on slimming down this year. Well, your overstuffed home could probably also use a good dose of diet wisdom and it's not that different from what you might have planned for your body. 

Lose the weight 

  • Start slowly — This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle. To really clear clutter, you have to start by changing your habits and that takes time and commitment. Don't burn out by trying to do it all at once. Set some goals, make a plan and methodically work your way towards your objective. 
  • Take control of what you consume — What you bring (or avoid bringing) into your home is a huge factor in what you'll be able to accomplish. There's really no point in clearing out clutter if you're continually bringing in more so take a good hard look at everything you decide to add in and make sure it will improve your space. 
  • Get on a regular exercise program — Make a plan detailing exactly what steps you need to take to get your home's fitness up to par and then implement them. A good routine is important but it's just as important to mix it up so you don't get bored. Switch up tasks like addressing your room's layout with specific chores like cleaning out closets or junk drawers. And don't forget: music makes everything more fun. 

Keep it off

  • Maintain — Once you've reached your goal, it's essential to sustain your progress or you'll just slide back into old habits. A good organizational system is key to clutter maintenance so feel good about splurging there. Switch up your goals to reflect a more low-key, long-term maintenance strategy. 
  • Reevaluate — Even when — especially when — things are going smoothly, it's important to continually check in with what's working at home and what could use a tweak so you and your home are always functioning like the calorie and clutter burning machines that you are. 

Article sourced from Apartment Therapy

05 Feb 2016
Author Jennifer Hunter Apartment Therapy
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