No Winter Lasts Forever, No Spring Skips its Turn

Winter is officially here, but before you start your hibernation make sure to get your house winter-ready by checking out these five tips. 

Examine your Fireplace
If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace, sweep it out yourself, or get a professional to give it a once-over.  It’s best to remove excess soot and to check for blockages so that you avoid smoke damage. Also, check the fireplace damper to make sure it’s not bent or warped – if it’s not in a good condition, warm air can escape through the chimney.

Check your roof
If you’re in an area with winter rain, it’s important to make sure you don’t have any leaks before the heavy rains come. Check for broken roof tiles or get a professional in to take a look. If you’re only expecting rains in summer, use the dry season to fix up any leaks that might have appeared during the rains. This is also a good opportunity to either add new insulation, or to make sure that your current insulation is still in good condition. On that note, check your windows and doors for any gaps that can be sealed to keep the warm air in.

Clean your Gutters
Now’s the time to clear any leaves or debris out of your gutters – either your gutters will flood in the winter rains, or the leaves will decay over the next few months, creating more of a mess to sort out. Once the gutters are cleared, check that the drainage pipes and wherever they lead are free of blockages.

Add Textiles and Lighting
Winter can be a little bit depressing, so warm up your rooms by adding some colourful pillows and chunky throws to your seating areas and bedrooms. Think about placing more lamps and lighting around your house to combat those gloomy days, and you can even switch out lightbulbs for a brighter light.

Get your Garden Ready
Instead of just chucking the autumn leaves away, rather mow them into smaller pieces then rake over your flower beds for mulch. Cover all frost-sensitive plants with frost protection cloths, and save your pruning until the end of winter. Think about planting bulbs around the garden or in pots so that when spring eventually comes, you’ll be welcomed with beautiful flowers.

If you’re in an area with winter rain, it’s important to make sure you don’t have any leaks before the heavy rains come.

21 Jun 2017
Author Tyson Properties
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