Top 7 Bad Feng Shui House Features

There are many feng shui flaws a house floor plan can have, some more serious than others. From a bathroom facing the front door to a staircase in the center of a home - learn to identify the main negative feng shui aspects of any home and know how to balance their challenging energy.
If you are looking to buy a new house, do your best to avoid a house with these negative feng shui features. If you live in a house where these challenging features are present, study the feng shui tips above and make a priority to apply them in your home as soon as possible.

Direct Front Door - Back Door Alignment

Imagine Chi, or energy, as water flowing into your space. You will see that water will rush very fast through the two or more directly aligned doors without actually slowing down and nourishing the space. It is especially important to avoid a direct alignment of the front door with the back door. The reason you want to avoid this situation is because all good feng shui energy coming through the main door will easily escape through the back door without having a chance to circulate and nourish your home.

Staircase Facing Front Door

The main door is called "The Mouth of Chi" in feng shui, as this is how the house absorbs its much needed Chi, or energy nourishment. When a staircase is facing the main door directly, the feng shui energy rushes up quickly to either the lower, or the higher floor, thus leaving the main floor without feng shui energy nourishment.

Bathroom Facing the Front Door

Is it possible to improve the feng shui of a house with a bathroom door facing the front door? Yes, it is. Here are some practical feng shui tips to help you take care of this potentially bad feng shui situation. If your bathroom is facing the front door, most of the energy will easily escape through the bathroom, leaving little or no good feng shui energy to nourish your house. 

Staircase in the Center of A Home

If you have a staircase in the center of your home or office - no matter the design, materials and colors - you might want to look into applying specific feng shui cures in order to balance its energy. As a general rule, a staircase in the center is not good feng shui and needs a bit of care and attention.

Bathroom in the Center of A Home

A bathroom in the center of the house is usually considered bad feng shui. As the center of the house is the heart of the space in feng shui, also called the yin-yang point; you usually want to have it open, light and with a sense of beauty to it. Feng Shui-wise, the center of your house is also considered the area from which all the other guas (or feng shui areas) receive energy from.

Master Bedroom Over the Garage

As a general rule, a bedroom over the garage is not good feng shui for two main reasons. Garages have a lot of moving, "in and out", unsettling energy, which is the opposite of the energy you want to cultivate in the bedroom. A bedroom over the garage has a very unstable energy foundation and will not promote good relaxation and sleep.

Long Narrow Hallway

A long narrow hallway is considered bad feng shui if not taken care of properly. The reason the feng shui of a long narrow hallway is bad is because the energy of a long hallway has a combination of rushing Sha Chi and, in most cases, stagnant energy (Si Chi). Not to despair, though, as there are few home design challenges that cannot be improved with smart feng shui decorating! 

Link to article http://fengshui.about.com/od/designbyroom/ss/Bad-Feng-Shui-House-Features.htm?utm_source=zergnet&utm_medium=tcg&utm_campaign=zergnet-test-538959#showall

30 Sep 2016
Author Rodika Tchi
350 of 561