Winter care for a damp-free Home

Winter might be the time for cosy, rainy days and curling up with a bowl of hot soup, but it is also a time we have to pay special attention to keeping damp out of our homes.

Sniff out signs damp and mould early on 
With rainfall increasing in part of South Africa, homeowners can expect extra danger of waterlogged woodwork, roofing and walls. Before the worst of the winter chill sets in, spend some time checking all around your home for tell-tale signs of moisture like bubbling paint or stained ceilings. Investigate problems and seal off any leaks or drips before the problem gets worse.
Since we all become used to our own home’s aroma, ask a friend to take a walk around your house to sniff out any odours indicating dampness or mould. Make a point of checking behind washing machines and any exposed piping in bathrooms.

Airing out and keeping dry
Winter is the time to be extra vigilant about drying towels, bedding and blankets properly before storing it away. The same can be said for curtains. Rain coming in an open window has left many a beautiful curtain ruined by mould because it was never properly dried.
South Africa is spoilt with a few sunny days even during the coldest winter. Make a point of airing out any musty curtains, drapes and throws whenever you see the sun coming out.
When the air in our homes cools down, condensation settles on windows and walls. The main areas to look for condensation drops are where there is very little movement of air. Check corners, behind cupboards and inside window frames. Investing in a dehumidifier is a great way to get rid of extra moisture hanging around in your home.
Ventilate to retaliate
If you have identified, dried, sealed off and settled with all signs of damp and mould in your home, the next important step is to prevent it from coming back. Be mindful to keep moisture at bay by using an extractor fan while cooking, drying clothes outside and ventilating your house properly.
Leave a door and window open for at least an hour every day so air can pass through your main living areas. The breeze might be nippy, but grab a blanket and bear in mind the importance of keeping your home damp free.

Full Article can be found at http://www.sahomeowner.co.za/2014/04/15/winter-care-for-a-damp-free-home/

05 Aug 2015
Author SA Homeowner
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